Global1 Events

We exist to inspire & support our clients to transform their business, wealth & life by giving them the very best results based education in personal development, property and business.

Global1 was started in January 2005 with a mission to provide cutting edge tools and information from world leading experts to help our clients lead and live an exceptional life. Global1 runs programs throughout the major cities within Australia and in 2008 expanded into Singapore. Global1 works exclusively with Dr John Demartini within Australia.

Our Vision

To be the catalyst for creating authentic individuals and leaders that push the boundaries, transform the world, develop their wealth and leave an inspiring legacy. Difference makers that play the biggest game possible.

Our Mission

We exist to inspire and support our clients to transform their business, their wealth and their life by giving them the very best results based education in personal development, property and business.

What We Value

Results. We let our results do the talking. We believe the results that our clients and we achieve are the greatest measurement of our success. We focus on results rather than the process. We accomplish amazing amounts of important work.

Innovation. We believe that innovation is cornerstone to our future success. We provide cutting edge education and products so that our clients remain ahead of the game. It also allows us to do things more efficiently and deliver a great product and service. We work as an innovative team and leverage technology to make sure we remain ahead of the game. We push the boundaries. We learn rapidly and eagerly. We challenge the status quo and suggest better approaches. We say what we think to get a better result even if it’s controversial.

Authenticity. Authenticity is a rare commodity and we value it. We believe that everyone has a unique gift to share with the world and we aim to provide our clients with authentic education and products. We also live and lead by example.

Enthusiasm. We believe that everyone is capable of living an inspired life where they can do what they love, make a contribution to the world and get handsomely rewarded for it. We understand that enthusiasm is what drives this outcome. We are driven high achievers.

Accountability. We believe that taking responsibility and owning our own actions and outcomes, gives us the most power and allows us to play at the highest level. We care intensely about Global1 success. We are a professional team. We help each other be great.

Quality. We love doing great things. Our intention is to have quality to permeate our organization from the things we do to the products we deliver. We inspire others with a thirst for excellence.

Simplicity. We love keeping it simple. We create simple systems and a simple way for us to work with you and help you grow. We keep nimble by minimizing complexity.
